The youngest UN ambassador Have you ever ask you who is the youngest UN ambassador? Well if have you ever asked that you´re in luck because here e are going to tell you. the younguest UN ambassador is Aidan Gallagher, maybe you kno him by his character "Five Hargreeves" in the Netflix series "The umbrella acafemy" but this guy is more than an actor and here we are going to tell you more about his job and the things he does for take care of the global enviroment. Aidan R Gallagher is an actor, singer, songwritter and good well ambassador in the UN in global prottection. In a world where youth is an increasingly relevant force for change, Aidan Gallagher stands out as an inspirational example. With just a few years in the entertainment industry, this talented actor and musician has achieved much more than simply captivating audiences on-screen. Aidan Gallagher has become a powerful voice and a passionate ambassador in the fight for the environment as the youngest-ev...